
Showing posts from December, 2017

Most Important Yoga Tips for winters

Practicing yoga in winters is as much important as the summer season. But, as the season is meant more for luxury and comfort then people do consider keeping a hand distance from the same. This is actually not justified when your ultimate desire is to keep healthy and fit. For those, who are in the habit of practicing yoga regularly, in this very informative article we are going to tell few very important tips that one should follow during the winter tips. Here are the winter yoga tips for yoga teacher training in india , that would make the practice easy and would also boost up the body and immune system. Keep Warm: Few rounds of Surya Namaskar followed with the yoga poses that would keep the body warm would be the best practice in the winter season. Along with this, also try to keep your body warm and cozy so that you may be comfortable starting the practice and would not leave it with any excuse. Keep Bug at Bay: Winter comes with many infections an

What is the Importance of Yoga Asanas in Our Daily Life?

Whether it is weight loss or whether to attain a peace of mind, yoga always plays an essential role in that. But, there are only few people who could understand the significance of yoga. Yoga is not only meant for a healthy body but it is also directly related to a peaceful mind. Anandayog ashram trust provides the key points about learning yoga. Practicing yoga is necessary and something that helps a person to remain healthy forever. If you are also unaware about the importance of yoga and still keep a distance from the same then here are few of the very important points that would help you in understanding the importance and benefits of yoga. All around Fitness: Doing yoga would help you to attain the all around fitness. Whether it is keeping the mind peaceful or to detoxify the body, in all the cases yoga always provides the better result in the same. Improve Health: Yoga improves health and there is no doubt or no second thought for the same.

4 Most Important Tips for Choosing a Good Yoga Teacher

It is actually a wise decision of yours to start or revive a yoga practice. Yoga is a practice of body that revives the soul. A good yoga practice is something that aids a person to remain healthy and peaceful always. Yoga, when practiced earnestly, regularly, and for a while, gives a sense of clarity and connection that tends to organically draw us toward healthier choices. And, to attain a high level of succession in the same it is required that one should have the assistance of the right teacher. However there are many ways to practice yoga, you can also learn it from Videos and books but the best instruction would come out from a true yoga guru swamiganeshanand . As there are many qualified yoga teachers in and around that it could sometimes become an issue to approach the right one. Ananda yoga ashram trust provides free yoga training . Well, it will not be a daunting task anymore because here we are with the four most important points and tips that w

3 Best Yoga Asanas for Winter Season

 As the daylight is shrinking and days are becoming shorter and shorter the search for ore ease and comfort in life is going on. Winters are here and along with this, there comes the lazy us. Winters are all meant for ease and comfort and exercise and yoga is such things that people do think for skipping. Well, this not a good idea and to match up with the perfect expectation of healthy body and peaceful mind yoga should be practiced on regular basis even in the winters as well. Yoga training in India provides these types of facility of free cost. Ananda yoga ashram trust is a type of trust in delhi . Well, there is no such difference between the yoga Asanas for summers and winters but in this article we are going to tell about the three best yoga poses for the winter season that would help in making the body warm and of course fit for the chilly days. Crescent Lunge (High Lunge):  There are many different ways to enter this pose but you are basical